Vauxhall , Nissan , Renault G9U / G9T 2.2, 2.5, 2.8 ltr
This Diesel engine is manufactured by a combined effort of Vauxhall, Nissan and Renault
Fitted in the following vehicles
This is the largest engine fitted to the Vivaro , Primastar , Traffic and also the larger Movano , Master. from 2003 to 2010 in the 2.2, 2.5 and 2.8 variants
Common Injector Related Issues
The diagnostic software available to diagnose this vehicle can be very good, if you buy the right one of course and it can also give some very interesting information if you know what you are looking at and can be the opposite if you don't.
Injector failure
Although these are the solenoid injectors which are usually more reliable these have a habit of leaking fuel from the joint where the nozzle cap screws on, the only cure being removal and repair / replacement.
in addition to this they can leak gasses past the copper seal giving the Black death issue and also fail due to corrosion damaging the injectors structure and also due to old age / High mileage / Wear and tear.
Injector Seizure
We remove/replace a large number of these injectors every week, you cannot predict if an injector will or will not come out easily regardless of the external condition these injectors can vary dramatically from pull out by hand to extreme force, even on the same engine. Solenoid injectors are far more reliable but can seize in dramatically tighter than the Piezo, they normally require removal for other reasons like fuel leaks , timing chain issues etc
Many causes are floating about from metal corrosion to water damage etc though the cause is irrelevant if yours have failed the cost and speed of repair is usually far more important. It is common for the cause of seizure to be blamed on rain water running onto the top of the engine and causing corrosion which locks the injectors in. It is now a requirement for any manufacturers warranty claims that all four injectors to be changed together and for the scuttle panel to be resealed following replacement of injectors to ensure that any future warranty remains valid.
Removal is specialist work and we have found that chemicals, acids, releasing oils etc make little difference (despite what those selling them to you say) and it is quite rare for theses liquids to get to the point of the problem. Unless of course the injector wasn't that tight in the first place.
These images show the extent of the corrosion problems these injectors can suffer from.
This short video shows one of the big contributing factors in the corrosion of these injectors and their pipes.
Injector bolts
In line with the seizure of injectors the bolts which hold them in suffer from similar issues and are regularly seized in usually snapping off or rounding out the fitting when removal is attempted. this injector being held by two 6 mm bolts either side of the injector. replacements are expensive (approx £60 a set that's per injector and is a modified kit) And are difficult to tighten successfully due to the procedure required, often requiring re-tightening after a few miles
Fuel Leaks
Everyone re-uses the old pipes even the dealers without issue but occasionally they can developed a leak a few days after being refitted this then requires the pipe to be replaced. This is usually restricted to the piezo injector pipes on the 2 litre engine and is easily sorted. The main body on these injector can leak at the joint and we have also seen these injectors where corrosion has gone through parts of the injector allowing fuel to leak out.
Wiring issues
Although quite rare the wiring to the injector can be damaged at the plug we carry replacement plugs to repair the harness when required.
A P Autodiagnostics Ltd
We are fully equipt to remove and refit injectors to all the above vehicles and can also supply brand new genuine replacement injectors many of which we carry on stock.Removal can require the stripping off of all plastics from the top of the engine and on some vehicles the wipers and scuttle panel below the windscreen. we can also repair snapped injector clamp bolts. and provide a full strip and rebuild service for this vehicle either onsite or at our base.